Author: Kevin Schulte

  • Distributed computing comes to Android with BOINC

    Our understanding of the world around us has grown by leaps and bounds since the invention of the computer. The simulation of complex systems in particular involves crunching a ton of numbers, a task computers excel at. Unfortunately, the very best number crunchers happen to be extremely expensive, both to buy and to maintain. Through…

  • Introduction to Flight Simulators Part 2: Non-combat Flight Simulators

    Welcome to part 2 of my Introduction to Flight Simulators series! If you followed my advice in Part 1 you now have all of the equipment you need to start flying. All that remains is to find yourself a simulator. The flight simulator market isn’t as saturated with games as, say, the first person shooter…

  • Six Upcoming Indie Games Worth Keeping An Eye On

    It feels like every year we see the release of higher quality independently developed games. With digital distribution quickly becoming the norm for PC games, and with digital distribution avenues available for all of the major home consoles, it’s never been easier for developers (often small one- or two-man teams) to ditch demanding publishers and…

  • Valve Releases Steam Mobile App for Android and iOS

    Steam, Valve’s powerhouse digital distribution service for PC and Mac, is finally making its way to mobile devices. Don’t get too excited yet, though, they aren’t selling any mobile specific games. Instead, the Steam mobile app acts as a much-needed mobile portal for the multitude of services Steam offers. Getting logged in is as simple…

  • First Look: Using Windows 8 on a Tablet

    Microsoft is aiming high with Windows 8. Not only will Windows 8 be their next flagship desktop operation system, Microsoft is also looking to make it their first OS that’s actually usable on a tablet (anyone who has used any version of Windows on a tablet up to now will tell you that it makes…

  • Transfer files and control your phone wirelessly with AirDroid for Android

    Managing files and data on an Android device can be a chore at times. To move files back and forth you have to keep a micro USB cable handy. Not only that, in order to move files to your phone’s SD card it has to first be unmounted from your phone, which can take a…

  • An Introduction to Flight Simulators Part 1: Getting Started

    My mission is simple: Fly over the enemy’s fortifications and snap some reconnaissance photos. Resistance should be light, and I’m one of a three-man flight group. Fly there, fly back, land in time for breakfast. Easy, right? As my Spad XIII lifts off from the makeshift runway, Earth’s features slowly blending together beneath me as…

  • Holiday Gift Guide 2011: Gamer’s Edition

    Temperatures are slowly creeping towards sub-zero. Radio stations and malls everywhere are switching on the holiday music. Pine trees and other decorations are going up all over the world. And once again millions of people are procrastinating on their holiday shopping. Lucky for you, gamers are an easy bunch to buy gifts for. Skip the…

  • Launcher 7 Brings the Windows Phone 7 Experience To Android

    Windows Phone 7 may not have caught on like Microsoft was hoping it would, but it does present some interesting ideas. One of those is its minimalist, tile-based homescreen. Thanks to the wonders of Android, you can now get that same experience on your Android phone with Launcher 7. Windows Phone 7 (and by proxy…

  • Spice Up Your Android Wallpaper With Astronomy Picture of the Day

    Once you’ve grown tired of Android’s multitude of live wallpapers, or if (God forbid) you’re still rocking whatever default wallpaper your phone came with, it might be time for a change. Add some science to your day and keep your wallpaper fresh with Astronomy Picture of the Day. Astronomy Picture of the Day scrapes the…