Tag: Android

  • Becoming a daring beer explorer with BrewGene for iOS and Android

    Have you ever felt overwhelmed at a liquor store when you’re faced with literally an entire wall of beer? On one hand, you can grab the old standby you’ve grabbed 100 times before and know you’ll like it. But on the other, there are 20 or 30 other kinds you have yet to try that…

  • Samsung Galaxy Note – Phone, Tablet, or Worthless Piece of Junk?

    Samsung Galaxy Note – Phone, Tablet, or Worthless Piece of Junk?

    Mobile phones started out resembling bricks. They were monsters, with the internal components necessary to make them work taking up so much space as to make early examples look ludicrous in hindsight. And then they shrank until the smaller they became, the better they were supposed to be. But that trend has now reversed, as…

  • iTriage helps people find medical care on their mobile phones

    iTriage helps people find medical care on their mobile phones

    There are mobile apps that will help you improve your  health, but what about when you’re sick or injured?  You need to know what is wrong with you and where to get it treated (probably more important). The iTriage app for Android, iOS, and Palm will help you diagnosis what ails you. If you don’t…

  • Valve Releases Steam Mobile App for Android and iOS

    Steam, Valve’s powerhouse digital distribution service for PC and Mac, is finally making its way to mobile devices. Don’t get too excited yet, though, they aren’t selling any mobile specific games. Instead, the Steam mobile app acts as a much-needed mobile portal for the multitude of services Steam offers. Getting logged in is as simple…

  • HTML5 and the Future of Mobile Apps and Gaming

    HTML5 will change the way we view mobile apps, and will change the way we think about how software has to be viewed on a mobile device. It will even change the way we view desktop applications. HTML5 is the biggest game changer since Apple’s App Store. But if what I am saying is right,…

  • Transfer files and control your phone wirelessly with AirDroid for Android

    Managing files and data on an Android device can be a chore at times. To move files back and forth you have to keep a micro USB cable handy. Not only that, in order to move files to your phone’s SD card it has to first be unmounted from your phone, which can take a…

  • Use Bubbles and Your Android Phone to Create Memorable Phone Calls

    In a world filled with short attention spans and thinning short-term memories, it can sometimes be difficult to remember to mentioning  important topics while making a phone call. Heck, give a person 30 minutes of phone conversation to wander, and their mind will stray further than the island of Lilliput (hint: it’s a fictitious location…

  • Consumer Electronics Show 2012 Preview

    The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is the one time a year where consumer electronics and other gadgetry hits an all-time high. The entire technology industry converges in Las Vegas, Nevada for a week of press events, unveilings and demonstrations of the latest toys and concepts that have yet to hit the public market. Needless to…

  • Galaxy Nexus: How to prevent newly-installed apps from creating shortcuts on your home screen

    If you’re like me and have recently switched from an Android phone running Froyo (Android 2.2) or Gingerbread (Android 2.3) to the brand-new Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0) on the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, you may have been surprised to find that apps installed from the Android Market automatically have shortcuts placed on the home screen.…

  • Launcher 7 Brings the Windows Phone 7 Experience To Android

    Windows Phone 7 may not have caught on like Microsoft was hoping it would, but it does present some interesting ideas. One of those is its minimalist, tile-based homescreen. Thanks to the wonders of Android, you can now get that same experience on your Android phone with Launcher 7. Windows Phone 7 (and by proxy…